Thursday, June 1, 2017

            Hello Homeowners!!!

If you or anyone you know are thinking about selling your home, here are some helpful tips I hope you enjoy :)

The First thing I would like to talk about is the first impression. First impressions matter, and where is the first impression made these days? Pictures. When we market your property for sale, pictures are as important as pricing. In today’s world, more and more people search for properties to buy online, and one of the first things we do is look at pictures of the property. It is all about the visual. Now let’s say the pictures look great and all the descriptions and price fit, next step is viewing the home for the first time. Many times, I have taken clients to see properties and the pictures look but, when we enter the property BOOOM, the property does not look exactly like the pictures.                                                                                    

So here are some suggestions I am offering to you:

First look for a Realtor/ Real estate agent that will give you suggestions on how to declutter, and advise before marketing you home. We work with buyers all the time, we see their expressions, hear their comments when we enter a property.  Be open minded when your agent gives you advice, we are not critiquing your property we are only trying to help you sell. As homeowners, we always think that our house is perfect just as it is. We need to see our home through a buyer’s eyes. When selling your home, you should declutter and depersonalize so a buyer can see themselves living there. Also, we should make any repairs needed because although you may feel it is minor, a homebuyer might not.

I, for example have a keen eye and will advise you as if your house is mine.                    What I would do to make my home the best showing property?
Depersonalize, pay attention to curb appeal, and remember it is about the visual. We create an emotional attachment to our property for one reason, or another, but we can’t let this attachment interfere with the negotiations. The new buyers are ready to create their memories.

Contact me for more information